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Install the latest Mac app and iOS app betas for a sneak peek of our latest features and improvements.

Documents you open in this build may become incompatible with stable releases
- macOS Sonoma (14.0.0) or newer
- Be sure to back up your documents before you try out any pre-release builds
- Our experimental features are also available on the Mac app beta
- Send feedback via the Feedback button in the Mac app’s toolbar (top right corner), or tell us in the forum
- Future updates will download automatically.

- Requires an iPhone or iPad running iOS 16 / iPadOS 16 or later
- You’ll need to sign in with your Sketch account details on an active subscription
- To get the iOS app beta, first install TestFlight on your device and sign in with your Apple Account
- Enjoying a feature? Found a bug? Share feedback via TestFlight, or let us know on our forum.
Release notes for Mac app beta
Sketch 102 (187846) was released on
Requires macOS Sonoma (14.0.0) or newer
Documents you create and open with this version of Sketch may not be compatible with older versions of Sketch. For real-time collaboration, everyone should use the same version of Sketch.
What’s new
- Better Component Swapping We’ve replaced the Inspector menus for swapping Components with a new popover that prioritizes speed and simplicity. With it, you can see more useful information (like alignment for Text Styles), navigate folders and Libraries faster with keyboard shortcuts, search instantly, and more. There are also buttons (and shortcuts) to open the Command Bar (for larger previews), preserve current Symbol dimensions (⌘P) and hide nested Symbols (⇧⌘H).
- Styling for Artboards You can now apply a range of style properties to your Artboards (fills, shadows, rounded corners, etc.), create Layer Styles, and set your own default style for them. You can also choose whether or not Artboards clip their content from the Inspector. Artboards no longer include shadows by default, giving your Canvas a cleaner look.
- An even better Command Bar We’ve added new ways to search, browse and insert Symbols (⌃ Y), Text Styles (⌃ T) and Artboard Templates (⌃ A) from the Command Bar. Each of these options has its own dedicated shortcut to make things even quicker. You can also swap Symbols, Artboards and Text Styles using ⌥ ⌘ R if you have one selected. Finally, you can search, insert and swap Layer Styles and Color Variables from the Command Bar, too.
You’ll see rich previews for each component type, along with full keyboard navigation. There are also shortcuts to navigate in and out of groups in your Libraries.
- Markdown support in Symbol overrides We now support basic Markdown-like syntax in Symbol overrides. You can use this syntax to apply
, and[underline]
formatting to any text overrides. - More flexible Text Styles You can now exclude alignment and text color from Text Styles, which can reduce the number of styles you need to create in your Libraries. You’ll find options to exclude these properties both in the Components view, and in the More menu under the Text Style selector in the Inspector.
- A better Comments overview The Comments toolbar item now includes a detachable panel, showing comments, authors and replies. Aside from giving you a quick way to see all the comments in a document, it includes a way to filter and focus in on unread comments, as well as an unread count in the toolbar item itself.
What’s improved
- We’ve improved our rendering of inside borders, outside borders, and inner shadows for text and shapes that use the non-zero winding rule.
- You can now choose whether or not to include corners in your Layer Styles — making it easier to keep your corners consistent across images, Artboards and regular layers.
- We’ve added a checkbox to quickly enable or disable Libraries from their thumbnails in the Workspace Window.
- Working with prototyping flows should now feel a little faster, as we’ve been making the Links you see between Artboards more performant.
- There’s a new toolbar item that shows a QR code to open your document in the iOS app, along with options to share its link.
- We’ve added an option to select or deselect all Components in the Component Updates sheet when you have a Library update. This should make it easier to update specific Components.
- You can now exclude specific Symbols from showing in the Command Bar, Insert and symbol swapping menus. Ideal for placeholders, Symbols you only ever want to nest, or screen-size Symbols you don’t want to swap to.
- There’s a new filter option in the Libraries panes of Settings and Document Settings to only show Libraries that are enabled.
- Our full range of Templates are now available to those of you using a Mac-only license, making it easier to kickstart your next project or get inspired. You’ll find them in the Documents Window under the Discover tab.
- You can now adjust the corner radius and styles on any image — no need to create a mask anymore!
- We’ve updated our default Artboard Templates for Android devices. We’ve removed older devices, added new ones with a consistent scale, as well as a collection of new thumbnails.
- We’ve added a “Paste and Replace” option to replace your current selection with the pasted layer. You can find via Edit > Paste and the contextual menu, or use the shortcut ⇧ ⌘ R.
What’s changed
- We’ve changed the shortcuts for Transform and Rotate, which are now ⌃⌘T and ⌃⌘R, respectively.
- We’ve removed the shortcuts for Rename All (⌥⌘R), and for Rename with Last Format (⌥⇧⌘R). If you need quick access to these actions, you can search for them with the Command Bar (⌘K) or set your own shortcuts via System Preferences.
- We now exclude color and alignment from new Text Styles by default. Similarly, new Layer Styles will now always include corner styling by default. You change these defaults as preferences in Settings > Layers. Copy and pasting a Layer Style will follow this corner styling preference, while holding ⌥ while pasting will do the opposite.
- When you use a layer with borders as a mask, those borders now visually appear above any masked content. To have borders appear below the masked content, use two layers; one with the borders, and another above to act as the mask.
- After you draw an Artboard we no longer automatically enter renaming mode. Instead, you can double-click its name on the Canvas, or press ⌘ R.
- If you apply a Tint to a group, it will not affect that group’s shadows (if it has any). Tints will now only affect the contents of a group.
- The Layout panel in the Inspector is now more compact if you have Groups or Artboards without Smart Layout. To apply Smart Layout, press the + icon (doing so defaults to Horizontal). To remove, press the trash icon.
- With this release, we no longer support macOS 13 (Ventura). We update our support of macOS versions to continue improving Sketch with the latest Apple frameworks and APIs.
What’s fixed
- Fixes a bug that meant it wasn’t possible to resize a group inside a Smart Layout group using Command-arrows on your keyboard.
- Fixed a bug where using a Symbol or group as a mask could cause the masked content to behave unexpectedly.
- Fixes a bug that sometimes caused masked layers to render incorrectly in the web app and prototype player.
- Fixed a bug where moving a group in or out of another group could fail to update tinting correctly.
- Now, when you replace a regular layer with a Symbol, we’ll respect the Preserve Current Dimensions setting that you’ll find in the Command Bar’s Symbols view.
- Fixes a bug that caused Sketch to miscalculate the size of PDF exports in some cases, which could affect how they look when opened in other apps.
- Fixes a bug that prevented you from immediately following a collaborator who had initially disabled, then later re-enabled, their option to be followed.
- Fixes a bug that caused the Scale tool in the Inspector to close unexpectedly in some situations.
- Fixes a bug that caused the ruler tick marks to display incorrectly.
- Fixes a bug where Workspace document thumbnails would sometimes not display correctly.
- Fixes a bug that caused a nested Symbol that used Smart Layout to resize incorrectly if it contained a text layer with overridden text that caused it to grow vertically.
- Fixes a bug that caused Color Variable names not to update in certain cases where they were referenced in a Library nested two or more levels deep.
- Fixes a bug on Workspace documents that would deselect the reference layer when you aligned one layer to another.