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Stay in the workflow when you switch from InVision

Looking for an InVision alternative now that it’s shutting down? With Sketch you can boost collaboration in your team, create and share prototypes faster, and (at no extra cost) make developer handoff a breeze.

Why switching to Sketch makes sense

Wondering how you’ll maintain your workflow without InVision? With Sketch, you’ll be up and running in no time.

  • Collaborate in real-time

    Collaborate in real-time

    With a Sketch subscription you get a Mac app for editing, plus our web app with a shared Workspace for viewing, commenting and inspecting designs from anywhere. Better still, invite as many Viewers as you like, for free.

    Find out more
  • Build and share prototypes anywhere

    Build and share prototypes anywhere

    Prototyping in Sketch is made for speed, helping you build, share and get feedback, fast. And no need to worry about the learning curve: our intuitive tools will help you bring designs to life from day one, without ever touching code.

    Find out more
  • Free developer tools for handoff

    Free developer tools for handoff

    With Sketch’s handoff tools, any dev can grab the details they need in the web app, right from the Canvas. And if you’re a dev you can use Sketch’s handoff tools for free — because why pay for a design app you don’t even use? 😉

    Find out more

Why prototype with Sketch? Let’s dive deeper…

Prototyping with Sketch means you get to keep your workflow simple by using one platform — and without paying for third-party tools.

Feature Sketch

Create scroll areas within Artboards

Show and hide a layer or Overlay with each click or tap

Add life-like movement in seconds with Smart Animate New

Share a client-friendly view of your prototypes without toolbars and navigation

Set prototype previews to Fit, Fill Width or Actual Size in a browser window

Easily re-use UI elements and interactions

Connect screens, Artboards and UIs in seconds

Set multiple start points in the same document

Share unique links for different prototypes

Make as many prototypes as you want from the same document

Test on the Mac app and view in a browser, or via iPhone app

Add clickable hotspots, or tap targets for mobile

Apply overlays anywhere for richer journeys

Create version histories of your prototypes

Faster workflow with Design and Prototyping UIs

Instantly share and embed links for quick testing

Invite all Guest testers you need — for free

Sketch’s prototyping tools come included with a subscription for as little as $10 per Editor per month. No extra tools or plugins needed.

Need a helping hand? We’ve got you covered

  • One-on-one session | Get help moving from InVision to Sketch

    One-on-one session | Get help moving from InVision to Sketch

    Book a free one-on-one chat with Design Advocate Jaime Creixems — he’ll show you how Sketch can support your workflow and answer any questions you may have.

    Book a slot
  • Hands-on session | Moving from InVision to Sketch

    Hands-on session | Moving from InVision to Sketch

    Learn how Sketch can support your design process and replace your InVision workflow. In this session, Joseph Todaro and Jaime Creixems will show you how to make the switch smoothly.

    Watch the recording
  • Move from InVision guide

    Move from InVision guide

    In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to move to Sketch. Learn how to bring your prototypes over and discover how Sketch can deliver on collaboration, prototyping and handoff — and so much more.

    Download our guide

What you get with Sketch — at a glance

Common questions

  • What’s the quickest way to create a prototype in Sketch?

    1. Set the first Artboard as the Start Point.
    2. Select all Artboards.
    3. Click the Prototype tab on the upper right.
    4. Select Create an Interaction.
    5. In Target, select Auto Link to Right Artboard.

    You can read more about Prototyping in our documentation or watch our video on how to use interactions. .

  • Can I move InVision prototypes to Sketch?

    If you used Sketch to build the prototype, then yes! Just be sure to set a Start Point so that it appears in your Workspace. If you built the prototype in InVision, you’ll need to recreate the prototype in Sketch.

    Once you’ve imported your prototype, you can test it on your Mac, on any browser, and on multiple devices using our app for iOS and iPadOS.

  • How much does it cost to share prototypes with other people?

    Nothing! You can invite collaborators to view, comment (including prototypes) and inspect Sketch documents from any browser, on any operating system, for free.

  • In Sketch, can I share just the prototype without giving access to the Artboards?

    Not right now. However, you can share a specific version of a prototype — or simply ask your collaborators to view it fullscreen.

  • What does InVision have that Sketch doesn’t?

    • Design system documentation: Sketch doesn’t have a way to manage dedicated component documentation, although you can leave notes directly on the Canvas, or add them as comments.
    • Selective sharing: You can share specific flows and Artboards in Sketch, but Viewers will be able to view other Artboards in the document too.
    • Password-protected prototypes: If you want to limit access to certain people, add them as Viewers to the document instead of sharing the document using a public link.
    • Anchor points: We don’t currently support anchor points in prototypes.
  • Does Sketch have hover states?

    Prototyping in Sketch comes with different interactions for you to create realistic, life-like prototypes. You can make layers and overlays appear on hover, press or click/tap — and toggle them on and off when you click them.

  • Can Sketch prototypes have interactive elements like fixed headers and footers or states?

    Yes. You can assign fixed elements in prototypes that contain (typically) static components like menu bars, toolbars and footers. In addition, you can also add links, hotspots, start points and create scrolling prototypes.

  • Does Sketch have commenting like InVision?

    Yes, commenting in Sketch works much like it does in InVision. Use the Mac, web and iOS apps to add new comments or replies anywhere on the Canvas, add markup and emojis, resolve and reopen comments, and change their visibility.

    You can also aads comments on on a Sketch prototype as you go, without switching back to the design and losing your place in the prototype.

  • How does Sketch handle developer handoff?

    With our web app’s handoff tools, any developer can inspect designs right on the Canvas and grab the information they need for any part of a design — such as layer attributes, distances between layers, export Design Tokens, text, CSS attributes and more.

    Our developer handoff tools are free, and developers don’t need a Mac to view, inspect or export assets either — all they need to do is create a free Sketch account and access the document using the web app.

  • I have a Mac-only license. If I switch to a subscription, can I keep the time I have left on my license?

    Yes, you’ll get credit for any time you have left over! Please contact us and our Account Operations team will be happy to help you.

A sticker illustration

Start prototyping for free!

Whether you’re new to Sketch or back to see what’s new, we’ll have you set up and ready to do your best work in minutes.